This week Indigenous Peoples are coming together and #GivingThanks. On November 25th week IITC will host our annual Indigenous Peoples Thanksgiving Sunrise Gathering on Alcatraz Island where Indigenous Peoples and their supporters will join to give thanks for our Peoples’ resiliency, survival, unity and strength.
To mark this week, we have been offered a generous $25k matching grant from the #NoRegrets Initiative so PLEASE DONATE TODAY to help us achieve this goal!
As a grassroots-based, coalition-building organization, the International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) connects Indigenous Peoples’ community-led work and amplifies our voices to address some of the most pressing issues of our time including the climate crisis, defending human rights, food sovereignty, biodiversity loss and environmental contamination. IITC brings together Indigenous Peoples to develop and share successful strategies for restoring and strengthening their local food-, knowledge- and eco-systems, protecting sacred places and cultural practices, revitalizing intergenerational knowledge transmissions, and the defense of their lands, territories, waters and resources. IITC’s unique style of advocacy connects grassroots struggles with international mechanisms.
IITC has just returned from our active engagement at the global Climate Change Conference (COP26) where the highlight for us was bringing together traditional knowledge holders and food producers to share their expertise amongst each other and then bringing this collective wisdom into this crucial meeting. An IITC delegation was on the ground seeking to impact meaningful change at this crucial global policy process. While we did not achieve all we had hoped – increasingly the important role and rights of Indigenous Peoples are being recognized. IITC thrives in the space of amplifying voices from the land so they can be heard around the world.
Please partner with us to mark #GivingWeek by donating generously to ensure that IITC can continue to defend human rights, food sovereignty, environmental health, treaties and standard-setting. Your donation will ensure that IITC can continue our work for the sovereignty and self-determination of Indigenous Peoples, the recognition and protection of our rights, treaties, traditional cultures and sacred lands. WE THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!
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Indigenous Peoples are Thankful for Your Contributions in Support of their Rights!
This week Indigenous Peoples are coming together and #GivingThanks. On November 25th week IITC will host our annual Indigenous Peoples Thanksgiving Sunrise Gathering on Alcatraz Island where Indigenous Peoples and their supporters will join to give thanks for our Peoples’ resiliency, survival, unity and strength.
To mark this week, we have been offered a generous $25k matching grant from the #NoRegrets Initiative so PLEASE DONATE TODAY to help us achieve this goal!
As a grassroots-based, coalition-building organization, the International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) connects Indigenous Peoples’ community-led work and amplifies our voices to address some of the most pressing issues of our time including the climate crisis, defending human rights, food sovereignty, biodiversity loss and environmental contamination. IITC brings together Indigenous Peoples to develop and share successful strategies for restoring and strengthening their local food-, knowledge- and eco-systems, protecting sacred places and cultural practices, revitalizing intergenerational knowledge transmissions, and the defense of their lands, territories, waters and resources. IITC’s unique style of advocacy connects grassroots struggles with international mechanisms.
IITC has just returned from our active engagement at the global Climate Change Conference (COP26) where the highlight for us was bringing together traditional knowledge holders and food producers to share their expertise amongst each other and then bringing this collective wisdom into this crucial meeting. An IITC delegation was on the ground seeking to impact meaningful change at this crucial global policy process. While we did not achieve all we had hoped – increasingly the important role and rights of Indigenous Peoples are being recognized. IITC thrives in the space of amplifying voices from the land so they can be heard around the world.
Please partner with us to mark #GivingWeek by donating generously to ensure that IITC can continue to defend human rights, food sovereignty, environmental health, treaties and standard-setting. Your donation will ensure that IITC can continue our work for the sovereignty and self-determination of Indigenous Peoples, the recognition and protection of our rights, treaties, traditional cultures and sacred lands. WE THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!