In April 2002, IITC organized the first Indigenous Peoples' Global Consultation on the Right to Food in Sololá, Guatemala. The "Declaration of Atitlan," adopted by consensus of the participants from all regions, affirmed that “the Right to Food of Indigenous Peoples is a collective right based on our special spiritual relationship with Mother Earth, our lands and territories, environment, and natural resources that provide our traditional nutrition. IITC's Food Sovereignty Program builds the informed participation of Indigenous Peoples, including traditional food producers and knowledge holders, in local, national, regional and international processes to protect and restore their traditional food systems. IITC provides community trainings and organizes gatherings for Indigenous Peoples to build mutual support, develop collective strategies and share traditional knowledge, practices, seeds and methods. IITC also defends rights to land, water, traditional knowledge, culture and Treaties that are the basis for Food Sovereignty and supports the establishment of Indigenous Food Sovereignty Zones free from pesticides, GMO’s and extractive industries.