IITC’s Andrea Carmen Selected Co-Chair of UNFCCC’s FWG-LCIPP

Andrea Carmen, Executive Director of the International Indian Treaty Council was selected by consensus to be the Indigenous Peoples Co-Chair for the Facilitative Working Group for the UNFCCC Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform  (LCIPP) for the current term. Jane Au, from Hawaii (Pacific region), was selected to be the Indigenous Peoples’ vice-chair.

Mr. Clement Yow Mulalap, Small Island Developing States (SIDS), and Ms. Irina Barba (Vice Co-Chair), UN regional group: Latin America and the Caribbean (GRULAC), were selected as the State Party Co-Chair and Vice Co-Chair respectively. The Facilitative Working Group is comprised of 14 representatives, half of which are representatives of Parties, and half of which are representatives from indigenous peoples organizations. Party representatives are appointed by their respective regional groups and constituencies, and Indigenous Peoples representatives are appointed by the indigenous peoples, through their focal points.

For more information on the Facilitative Working Group for the UNFCCC Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform  (LCIPP) see: https://unfccc.int/LCIPP-FWG

IITC’s Andrea Carmen Selected Co-Chair of UNFCCC’s FWG-LCIPP

Andrea Carmen, Executive Director of the International Indian Treaty Council was selected by consensus to be the Indigenous Peoples Co-Chair for the Facilitative Working Group for the UNFCCC Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform  (LCIPP) for the current term. Jane Au, from Hawaii (Pacific region), was selected to be the Indigenous Peoples’ vice-chair.

Mr. Clement Yow Mulalap, Small Island Developing States (SIDS), and Ms. Irina Barba (Vice Co-Chair), UN regional group: Latin America and the Caribbean (GRULAC), were selected as the State Party Co-Chair and Vice Co-Chair respectively. The Facilitative Working Group is comprised of 14 representatives, half of which are representatives of Parties, and half of which are representatives from indigenous peoples organizations. Party representatives are appointed by their respective regional groups and constituencies, and Indigenous Peoples representatives are appointed by the indigenous peoples, through their focal points.

For more information on the Facilitative Working Group for the UNFCCC Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform  (LCIPP) see: https://unfccc.int/LCIPP-FWG

If you have any questions, please let us know.