A great team effort by IITC at EMRIP!


Dear all,

I would like to thank and express my appreciation to the great, hardworking, brilliant team that participated for IITC in the 16th session of the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) in Geneva last week. In addition to myself, IITC credentialled Juan Leon Alvarado, Rochelle Diver, Ghazali Ohorella and Ruth Anna Buffalo, so we had three regions at the session represented in our delegations. Of course, we worked closely with Francisco Cali Tzay (Pancho), the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as well as Kiptoo Barasa and Carson Kiburo from (from Jamii Asilia Centre in Kenya) with whom we co-sponsored (with AIPP) a very successful and well attended side event on militarism and “Protected Areas”. We also had a great side event on follow up to the EMRIP’s 2022 study on Treaties which I can provide more information on later, including our recommendation for a 4th UN Treaties Seminar.

Ruth Anna and I, along with attorney Heather White Man Runs Him, also met with the Secretariat of the UN Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances to follow-up on the case we filed in 2019 on still missing Indian boarding school students in the US.

We actually covered almost all agenda items between us and were able to impact the report as well as lay the foundation for follow up work by the EMRIP.

The photos are of the Indigenous Peoples caucus preparatory meeting at the World Council of Churches; Pancho, Ruth Anna and myself in front of the UN Flags, some of our delegates at the 100th year anniversary event commemorating Deskaheh (Haudenosaunee) coming to Geneva, and Juan Leon reading his intervention.

Thanks again to all, your participation and input was very much appreciated by me, the EMRIP members and other delegations attending, and I think we made a lot of progress advancing several key areas of IITC’s work.

Regards to all,
Andrea Carmen,
IITC Executive Director


A great team effort by IITC at EMRIP!

Dear all,

I would like to thank and express my appreciation to the great, hardworking, brilliant team that participated for IITC in the 16th session of the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) in Geneva last week. In addition to myself, IITC credentialled Juan Leon Alvarado, Rochelle Diver, Ghazali Ohorella and Ruth Anna Buffalo, so we had three regions at the session represented in our delegations. Of course, we worked closely with Francisco Cali Tzay (Pancho), the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as well as Kiptoo Barasa and Carson Kiburo from (from Jamii Asilia Centre in Kenya) with whom we co-sponsored (with AIPP) a very successful and well attended side event on militarism and “Protected Areas”. We also had a great side event on follow up to the EMRIP’s 2022 study on Treaties which I can provide more information on later, including our recommendation for a 4th UN Treaties Seminar.

Ruth Anna and I, along with attorney Heather White Man Runs Him, also met with the Secretariat of the UN Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances to follow-up on the case we filed in 2019 on still missing Indian boarding school students in the US.

We actually covered almost all agenda items between us and were able to impact the report as well as lay the foundation for follow up work by the EMRIP.

The photos are of the Indigenous Peoples caucus preparatory meeting at the World Council of Churches; Pancho, Ruth Anna and myself in front of the UN Flags, some of our delegates at the 100th year anniversary event commemorating Deskaheh (Haudenosaunee) coming to Geneva, and Juan Leon reading his intervention.

Thanks again to all, your participation and input was very much appreciated by me, the EMRIP members and other delegations attending, and I think we made a lot of progress advancing several key areas of IITC’s work.

Regards to all,
Andrea Carmen,
IITC Executive Director


If you have any questions, please let us know.