The need to establish this independent Forum was agreed at the Indigenous Peoples’ Global Consultation for the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) on May 29-30. The focus of this Forum will be information-sharing and discussion of strategies to strengthen the participation of Indigenous Peoples in UN bodies addressing various aspects of our Food Sovereignty and Right to Food. Participants in the Consultation agreed that Saul Vicente Vasquez (Zapoteca/Latin America), Janene Yazzie (Diné/North America) and Anders Oskal (Sami/Arctic) would serve as the initial co-coordinators to organize this first meeting. In addition to discussing how we want to develop the communications, coordination and role of the Forum going forward, proposed agenda items will include:
- Report of the Global Indigenous Peoples Consultation to the UNFSS
- The UNFSS Pre-summit July 26-29: Participation and next steps
- Updates from other relevant UN Bodies and processes
- Other matters as proposed by the participants
This meeting is open to all Indigenous Peoples, with a special invitation to Indigenous food producers and knowledge holders, youth and elders.
For more information contact: [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected]