Upcoming Events & Meetings
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INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND BORDERS Book Launch and Distribution Monday, April 15th 1:15pm, Room 5 United Nations Headquarters Cosponsors: Columbia University (ISHR, Indigenous Peoples Rights Program), International Indian Treaty Council, MADRE, University of British Columbia Speakers, co-editors and authors: Andrea Carmen, Diana Duarte, Sheryl Lightfoot, Bina Nepram, Melissa Patel, Elsa Stamatopoulou, Rodion Sulyandziga
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Side Event: Extractive Industries, Environmental Violence and Trafficking of Indigenous Women and Girls
Side Event: Extractive Industries, Environmental Violence and Trafficking of Indigenous Women and Girls
You are invited to a Special Side Event, an Interactive Discussion during the 23rd Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues with presentations by impacted Indigenous women and closing words by Francisco Cali Tzay, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES, ENVIRONMENTAL VIOLENCE AND TRAFFICKING OF INDIGENOUS WOMEN AND…
Evento Paralelo: Las Industrias Extractivas La Violencia Medioambiental y La Trata De Mujeres y Ninas Indigenas
Evento Paralelo: Las Industrias Extractivas La Violencia Medioambiental y La Trata De Mujeres y Ninas Indigenas
Le invitamos a un evento paralelo especial, un diálogo interactivo, durante el 23o periodo de sesiones del Foro Permanente para las Cuestiones IndÃgenas con presentaciones de mujeres IndÃgenas afectadas y palabras de clausura por Francisco Calà Tzay, Relator Especial de la ONU sobre los derechos de los Pueblos IndÃgenas LAS INDUSTRIAS EXTRACTIVAS, LA VIOLENCIA MEDIOAMBIENTAL…
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Online Consultation with UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples José Francisco Cali Tzay May 2nd
Online Consultation with UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples José Francisco Cali Tzay May 2nd
Announcing an online Consultation with United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples José Francisco Cali Tzay for his current Study on Indigenous Persons with Disabilities May 2nd, 2024, 3 - 6 PM Eastern Daylight time Interpretation provided in English, Spanish and Portuguese May 3rd, 2024, 6 - 9 AM Eastern Daylight time…
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Online Consultation with UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples José Francisco Cali Tzay May 3rd
Online Consultation with UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples José Francisco Cali Tzay May 3rd
Announcing an online Consultation with United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples José Francisco Cali Tzay for his current Study on Indigenous Persons with Disabilities May 2nd, 2024, 3 - 6 PM Eastern Daylight time Interpretation provided in English, Spanish and Portuguese May 3rd, 2024, 6 - 9 AM Eastern Daylight time…
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IITC does not receive any state or federal funding. Instead, we rely on the generous support of foundation grants, Indigenous Nations and Tribes, and contributions from private donors, friends and allies to sustain our work. Please consider contributing to support the work of IITC. Whether it be monthly giving or a one time donation, any amount helps and all are tax deductible.